Accelerate Your Debugging with Pry

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source ""

gem "cucumber"
gem "watir-webdriver"
gem "pry"

# features/support/env.rb

require 'watir-webdriver'
require 'pry'

After do

# features/submit_expense.feature

Feature: Submit an expense with a receipt

  As a user I want to upload expenses so I can get reimbursed.

  Scenario: Happy Path
    Given I am logged in to the expense application
    When I click the "+" button
    And I select the receipt
    And I fill out the merchant, total and date
    And I click "SAVE"
    Then I should see my expensed item show up in the tables


Given(/^I am logged in to the expense application$/) do
  @browser = :chrome
  @browser.goto ""
When(/^I click the "([^"]*)" button$/) do |arg1|
  Watir::Wait.until { @browser.element(css: "body/deep/paper-fab").exist? }
  @browser.element(css: "body/deep/paper-fab").click
When(/^I select the receipt$/) do
When(/^I fill out the merchant, total and date$/) do
  pending # Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
When(/^I click "([^"]*)"$/) do |arg1|
  pending # Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
Then(/^I should see my expensed item show up in the tables$/) do
  pending # Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions

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